Waterplay on Clapham Common Set to Reopen in May 2024

Great news for families in Clapham and beyond! For those eagerly awaiting the return of the beloved paddling pool, mark your calendars—the official reopening date is set for the 25th of May 2024. Save this post and get ready to make a splash once again!

A Splashing Success Last Season

Feedback from parents and carers was overwhelmingly positive since the waterplay area on Clapham Common first opened. Nearly 80% of respondents gave the facility the top two marks (out of five) for enjoyment. It was described as “a wonderful use of the space that brought the community together and motivated children to play outdoors,” “thoughtfully designed,” and “the best thing to happen to Clapham Common in years.”

Enhancements for 2024

Naturally, after its first season of use, there were some areas for improvement. Lambeth Council and the Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee (CCMAC) conducted a survey that received over 440 comments from more than 130 respondents. Based on this feedback, the following improvements were undertaken during the winter months:

  • Enhanced Greening: More greenery was added around the site to provide shade from the sun and privacy from traffic and passersby along The Pavement. Yew hedging was planted to improve privacy for families using the facility and to create a solid boundary between the waterplay area and the traffic queues along The Pavement.
  • Clearer Signage: New, clearer signs were installed to indicate the rules of use for the waterplay area.
  • Better Toilets: The toilet doors were replaced with ones that are easier to lock and open.
Yew hedging was planted to improve privacy for families using the facility and to create a solid boundary between the waterplay area and the traffic queues along The Pavement. December 2023

Community Favourite

The waterplay area proved extremely popular with local families last summer. Many made repeat visits: 42% of respondents used the waterplay 2-3 times, while 36% visited 4-10 times over the summer. The majority of visitors (58%) were from Lambeth, with just over 40% hailing from Wandsworth. A small number of families even travelled from Croydon, Richmond, and Merton to enjoy the facility.

Looking Forward to Summer 2024

The waterplay features have been carefully reinstalled after being stored for safekeeping over the winter. The plant room has now been connected to the mains supply, ensuring a more sustainable setup for the future.

The waterplay area on Clapham Common is set to welcome families once again, offering a fun, safe, and engaging environment for children to enjoy. So, dust off your swimsuits and get ready for a fantastic summer of fun at Clapham Common’s waterplay area. We look forward to seeing you there on the 25th of May 2024!