The Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee (CCMAC) is a community-led group that works in partnership with Lambeth Council on the management of Clapham Common. We aim to ensure that Lambeth Council runs the Common as well as possible and balances the needs of all its users. We want the Common to be a resource for all, forever as outlined in the Clapham Common Masterplan.

What do we do?

We provide community input on the maintenance of the Common, discuss plans that affect the Common, such as applications for licenses for events or redevelopment of facilities, raise funds, and decide how they should be spent. We develop plans and define what we believe should be the Council’s priorities for the Common.

How do we work?

The main committee of the CCMAC meets once a month. At these meetings, we review and discuss reports from the Park Manager, and from our own working groups that focus on current challenges and opportunities. Our membership and our way of working is defined in our constitution, which has been adopted by Lambeth Council.