A safer and quieter cycle route – called a Quietway – is planned to run from Waterloo passing through Clapham Common after which it splits into two spurs to Croydon and Wimbledon.
Quietways are cycle routes that follow backstreets and run along parks and waterways, providing an alternative for people who are keen to cycle but are put off by busy roads. Seven are planned in London and are part of the Mayor of London’s vision for cycling.
CCMAC is working closely with Sustrans, the cycling organisation charged with implementing the Quietways, and the London Borough of Lambeth to ensure the route across Clapham Common is completed with minimum net impact to the Common and does not affect unduly other users of the Common.
CCMAC’s discussions with Sustrans and LBL have included a guided walk along the route of the Quietway when members were able to give on-site feedback and suggested improvements to the Quietway proposal.
Public consultation closed on 2nd September.
The aim is to have the Quietway in place by the end of March 2016.