Following a campaign by CCMAC, Lambeth Council is funding a £200,000 scheme to rejuvenate the area of the Common where events – such as Winterville pictured above – traditionally take place.
The ground is heavily compacted and poorly drained, and despite remedial works in recent years, the ground is in no better condition.
The project will ensure the area – a 77,000 sq. metre site between Long Road and Long Pond – is restored to durable healthy grass by next spring.
The site will be fenced off throughout. While this is not ideal the works will result in an area of the Common restored to a healthy grassland after 20 years of over use and under investment.
The contract was awarded to Idverde Ltd.
The key stages of the works –
Stage 1
De-compacting the soil. The ground is heavily compacted, which makes it hard for rainwater to drain away and for grass to sink deep roots. Special machines have been used to break up the soil. This part is now complete.
Stage 2
Remove existing vegetation. The top layer of vegetation is being removed.
Stage 3
Levelling out. There are a few dips on the site which pool water. These will be levelled out, resulting in a better surface and improved drainage.
Stage 4
Re-seeding. A special mix of grasses is used to make it as healthy as possible.
Stage 5
Drainage. Once the ground has settled, some areas may need further drainage. Small holes will be drilled into the surface and filled with sand, which will help water to drain into the ground.
Stage 6
October 2020 to April 2021: During this time the ground will start to look green, but the area will be fenced off so that the grass can properly take root.