Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee (CCMAC) has submitted its response to Transport for London’s proposal to establish a safer and quieter cycle path – called a Quietway – across Clapham Common as part of a much longer route stretching from Waterloo to Croydon and Wimbledon.
Broadly, CCMAC is supportive of the Quietway proposal however that support is not universal with all members. Those against the Quietway scheme across the Common have suggested alternative and outlined approval and legal issues that need be addressed.
CCMAC’s Clapham Common Masterplan (The Next 50 Years) is clear in its support for ‘suitable designed cycle paths’ and ‘pedestrian and cycle priority crossing facilities’ which the Quietway scheme sets out to deliver. The closure of Windmill Drive is also supported in the Masterplan.
CCMAC is also pleased with the proposed net gain of grassed land to the Common. However, if in the revised plans, the net gain did not materialise then CCMAC would not be able to endorse the Quietway scheme.
In its response CCMAC has also highlighted areas – such as the quality of the path and drainage – that need to be addressed in a revised and more detailed plan.
If approved, work to establish the Quietway is expected to start in spring next year.
Read the full response here: CCMAC Quitway response