Thursday 2 Apr 2015

Meeting held at Omnibus, 1 Northside, Clapham, SW4 0QW


Alison Macnair (Chair), Cllr Linda Bray, David Dandridge, Marcus Hope, Diana Linskey, Simon Millson, Alex Nickson, Helen O’Malley, George Owen, Peter Schmitt and Deryn Watson. In attendance: Representatives from Transport for London and POW Architects (but only for agenda item 1).


Bernard Gentry, Nigel Haselden, Lyndsay Jones and Fred Uhde

Clapham South Deep-Level Air-Raid Shelters

POW Architects, Transport for London’s architects, presented its outline plans to redevelop the deep-level air-raid shelters at Clapham South. Consultation continues until June 2015 with firm plans to be submitted over the summer this year. After a series of questions, the Committee warmly supported the approach being taken by POW subject to ongoing consultation around the details of implementation.


The Chair formally opened the meeting and SM was appointed minute taker.


Apologies were accepted from Cllr Bernard Gentry, Cllr Nigel Haselden, Lyndsay Jones and Fred Uhde.


The Committee agreed to a motion raised by HOM that the Chair should send condolences to BG regarding the death of his mother.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the meeting on Thursday 25 March The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

Matters Arising from the Minutes not formally on the agenda

  1. The Committee agreed that the new Treasurer, Diana Linskey, would become the sole signatory on the bank account, taking over the role from George Owen who will no longer be a signatory.
  2. HOM presented two papers: Background to Clapham Common Finances and Check-list of Common Capital Projects. Both were warmly received. It was agreed to a request for both papers to be circulated electronically by HOM.


Parks Manager

  1. Joyce Guiste is no longer covering the role of Parks Manager and therefore not in attendance. A report will be submitted at the next CCMAC meeting.
  2. Bandstand Beds

  3. DL and DD spoke on a report that had been circulated electronically before the meeting. This recorded a successful first gardening session and compost giveaway on 21 March in collaboration with The Spinney (Clapham Manor Children’s Centre), and Incredible Edible Lambeth (IEL). The note also recorded that Bandstand Beds had been awarded grants from Love Your Roots (IEL) of £500 and from Awards for All for £7150 for the new Community Food Growing Space on the Green Waste Site. The levelling of the site and provision of fences should be undertaken by Lambeth as part of its commitment to the project. This left the provision of a water supply to the site as the Community Food Growing Space would not be successful without this. DL set out a case for £16,000 of EIF money should be used to pay for the connection of the water supply. The Committee agreed it would be an appropriate use of EIF money.


  1. AN handed out copies of the draft text for each significant chapter – Who are We?, Who owns and runs the Common?, and 2015 Events – of the soon-to-launched CCMAC website. AN asked for any comments to be sent to him by Thursday 9 April.

Trees Group

  1. In the report circulated before the meeting, Item 2 should read Blue Star House. It was agreed for MH to draft a note to be used by Lambeth Council to inform the public of the plans, either planned or in an emergency, for any tree on the Common (subject to confirmation that none currently exists). MH also presented the 2015-16 action plan for tree planting and replacement on the Common drawn up in conjunction with Trees for Cities. The planting of 14 trees from the suggested 16 locations as agreed with the Tree Office was discussed and the action plan was modified in accordance with the discussion. The meeting agreed to allocate in principle £5,000 of funds under its control towards the project. Date for the Diary: The Wetlands opening will take place at 3pm on Saturday 25 April.


See minute 9.

Lambeth Parks and Green Spaces Forum, 10 March 2015

AM represented CCMAC at the Forum, a Lambeth-wide body comprising representatives of over 20 Friends, MACs and other groups concerned with Lambeth parks and open spaces. The CCMAC, Clapham Society, and Friends of Clapham Common all sent representatives to the Forum’s bimonthly meetings. The Special Meeting had been called to talk about the coming budget cuts and the proposals in the Cultural Services consultation as they applied to open spaces. Lambeth’s Operations Manager for Parks and Open Spaces explained that the overall budget would be reduced from £4.4m to £2.2m in 2016. Once services that have to be performed because of the Council’s statutory responsibilities (principally refuse collection), were paid for, other functions, including mowing, pruning and maintenance would have to be reduced. Members were urged to campaign against the proposals.

Plans for training on partnership working

AM presented a paper which had been circulated electronically summarising Lambeth Council’s approach to partnership working. The agents for the project, Tree Shepherd, had offered to set up a three-hour surgery for just three members of CCMAC. The arrangements between Lambeth Council and Tree Shepherd limited the amount of training available. It was agreed that LB would contact Cllr Jane Edbrooke, Lambeth’s cabinet member responsible for parks and open spaces, and DL would speak to Colin Crook, Chief Executive, of Tree Shepherd to see if appropriate arrangements could be made.

Response to Lambeth’s Consultation on the Future of Cultural Services

It was agreed that MH would draft a CCMAC response to the Parks & Open Space and Sports sections of the consultation. The draft to be circulated for comment before Wednesday 15th April. It was agreed individual members of CCMAC were free to comment on the whole consultation in their own capacity.

Redevelopment of Holy Trinity

Subsequent to the discussion at the meeting, Holy Trinity has withdrawn its planning application.

Date of next meeting

Thursday 7th May at 7pm at Omnibus.