Thursday 4 June 2015

Meeting held at Omnibus, 1 Northside, Clapham, SW4 0QW


Alison Macnair (AN) (Chair), Iain Boulton (IB), Cllr Linda Bray (LB), David Dandridge (DD), Cllr Bernard Gentry (BG), Cllr Nigel Haselden (NH), Marcus Hope (MH), Lyndsay Jones (LJ), Diana Linskey (DL), Simon Millson (SM), Helen O’Malley (HOM), Alex Nickson (AN), George Owen (GO), Peter Schmitt (PS) and Fred Uhde (FU).


Marcus Hope (MH) and Deryn Watson (DW)

Clapham South Deep-Level Air Raid Shelter

POW Architects on behalf of TfL presented an update (including a physical model) on the development of the Deep-Level Air Raid Shelter at Clapham South. Submission of proposal to LBL is expected by mid-August, after which there will be a formal consultation. (BG excused himself from the general discussion given his role at LBL.)


Apologies of absence were received from MH and DW. Tricia Peters from Friends of Clapham Common was present as an observer at the meeting in place of MH.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with a amendment to the wording of ‘co-options’ under Trees Group [Section 5(d)(i)]. The point was clarified by DD, with AM circulating a short paper explaining the circumstances under which somebody can be co-opted onto the Committee or one of its sub-committees.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

  1. Captain’s Cook Tree: a discussion took place on the design options for protecting the tree. Options for funding were also discussed.
  2. CCMAC Planning Meeting: SM informed the meeting of details for the CCMAC planning meeting on Saturday 20 June starting at 10am. HOM had circulated a paper shortly before the meeting outlining her views of the planning meeting.
  3. Quiet Way: NH gave a further update on plans for a ‘Quiet Way’ from Waterloo to Croydon. A good discussion took place on options and on clarifying proposals. NH said LBL’s Cycling Project Officer would come to the CCMAC in July meeting to discuss the proposals further.


Parks Manager

  1. IB verbally updated his May report. IB said that some £40,000 in-kind donations had been received so far this year, mostly by people volunteering to do work on the Common.
  2. He congratulated the Brighter Partnership for running a well-received HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme on the Common.
  3. A bat walk is scheduled to take place on 11 September.
  4. IB also mentioned that an ‘Underground, Overground’ walk was being set up for the Common.
  5. IB was asked if he could find the written agreement with English Heritage on the maintenance and fund events at the Bandstand.
  6. IB also said he would circulate bin design options for the Common.
  7. NH said he would find out why the toilet block at Clapham Common Tube Station was still boarded up and not in use, and to take the necessary action to open it up.

Bandstand Beds

  1. DD outlined the plans for Bandstand Beds Summer ‘Pick-Nic’ – a capital clean-up litter pick and pop-up picnic – and Bandstand music event on Saturday 27 June starting at 2pm. CCMAC members were encouraged to attend and bring picnic food to share.


  1. AN informed the Committee the text for the CCMAC website was complete and the team is agreeing a lunch date with the technical designer of the site. Committee members were asked to send ‘head-and-shoulder’ photos of themselves to AN.

Trees Group

  1. Nothing more to be raised given the full discussions that had taken place earlier in the meeting.

Lambeth Parks Forum

  1. AM presented a short report on the meeting that took place on 16 May. In response to the news that LBL is recruiting two fundraisers to work with groups to leverage grants, AM was asked to approach LBL Councillors representing wards around the Common asking for their support in prioritising Clapham Common among Lambeth’s other parks and open spaces for
    the fundraisers’ time. Cllr Bray explained that Cllr de Cordova, a member for Larkhall ward, was responsible for championing this part of the Borough.