Meeting held at Omnibus, 1 Northside, Clapham, SW4 0QW
Alison Macnair (AM) (Chair), Cllr Linda Bray (LB), David Dandridge (DD), Diana Linskey (DL), Simon Millson (SM), George Owen (GO), Bob Robinson (BR for Friends of Clapham Common - FoCC), Peter Schmitt (PS), Fred Uhde (FU) and Deryn Watson (DW for Clapham Society). In Attendance: Jeremy Keates (JK) (Clapham Business Improvement District - BID - This is Clapham)
Iain Boulton (IB), Cllr Bernard Gentry (BG), Cllr Nigel Haselden (NH), Lyndsay Jones (LJ), Helen O’Malley (HOM) and Alex Nickson (AN).
This is Clapham
JK gave an overview of the work of the BID along Clapham High Street and its immediate environs. It was recommended that the BID’s Clapham Public Realm Green Audit, specifically the area around Clapham Common tube station, be presented at the Tree, Landscape and Environment sub-group for further detailed discussion.
Apologies of absence were received from IB, BG, NH, LJ, HOM and AN.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Bee Conscious: both Bandstand Beds and FoCC had been in contact with Bee Conscious about the funding of the planting of bee-friendly flowers and plants on the Common.
- Quietway: it was agreed to confirm at least two dates for a guided walk along the proposed Quietway route across Clapham Common
- Deep Shelter: PS presented a paper he had drafted outlining potential strengths and weaknesses of the proposal to install a cafe at the Deep Level Shelter at Clapham South. PS will circulate the paper by email inviting further comments from CCMAC members before drafting an appropriate note for the TfL consultation.
- 85 Westside: more Common land has been appropriated. The issue to be placed on the agenda of the September meeting.
- Southside paddocks: issue to be added to the agenda of the September meeting.
Parks Manager
- Comments were raised about the earth bunds placed near the Bandstand. Action: AM and SM to raise with IB.
- Friends of Clapham Common to send its proposal to plant bee-friendly wild flowers on the
Common to the Trees, Landscape and Environment sub-group for further discussion and to
ensure the plan dovetails with other projects under way. Action: MH/BR.
Bandstand Beds
- DD updated the Committee on the installation of the poly tunnel at the Green Waste Depot on Windmill Drive. Throughout the summer the group will be installing raised beds and planting crops, some of which Bandstand Beds will use at its community feast on October 24 2015. Friends of Clapham Common agreed to donate some of the apples growing at their orchard on the Common. Action: MH/BR.
- This is Clapham agreed to look into potential funding of the poly tunnel project.
Trees, Landscape and Environment Group
- The TLE Group recommended that a ‘post and steel chain’ solution to protect Captain Cook’s tree. This was agreed with a vote of five CCMAC members at the meeting in favour and three against. Action: IB.
Communications and Governance Groups
- The Committee agreed to the work plans of the Governance and Communications Groups’ as laid out in the two papers presented by SM.
- DW agreed to send SM the research carried out in 2007 with the users of the Common.
- SM informed the meeting that the Communications Group will be working on a market research tender proposal to be presented at the September meeting.
- Both DW and AM informed the meeting they will ensure each member of the Committee has a hard copy of the Clapham Common Masterplan.
- It was agreed that Diana Armstrong-Bell will be asked to lead a review of the Masterplan with the Committee. Action: AM.
- DD informed the meeting that the CCMAC website will be live at the end of August.
Pro-forma for Moonwalk
- The Committee agreed to the comments presented by AM in response to LBL’s pro-forma
for Moonwalk. - In addition it was agreed to add a point raised by FU regarding the necessary approval required
by LBL from central Government before setting up structures on the Common, in accordance
with the Greater London Parks and Open Spaces Act (1967). Action: AM.
Jody Dobrowski Memorial Event October 2015
DD informed the meeting that a ten-year anniversary memorial is planned for Jody Dobrowski on Thursday 15 October. CCMAC gave its full support.
Plans for Refurbishment and change of use for WC buildings at the Polygon
- It was agreed that AM will write to the appropriate people at LBL giving CCMAC’s support for A3 use (e.g. coffee and tea shop) of the disused toilet block at the Polygon. AM and JK to explore possibility of a joint CCMAC/BID approach. Action: AM.
- GO agreed to distribute the Omnibus proposals for the disused toilet block.
Any other business
- Lambeth Heritage Festival 2015: DL informed the meeting that the festival will be taking place throughout September. More information:
- Licensing database: DL informed the Committee that LBL will soon publish online all licensing details across the borough online.
- Friends of Clapham Common: BR informed the meeting that the FoCC dog show will take place on Sunday 4 October. AM to liaise with FoCC about CCMAC involvement. Action: AM.
- Lambeth Wandsworth Public Sex Environments Working Group: It was agreed to appoint DD as the lead CCMAC representative on the PSE Working Group. Action: AM agreed to notify Mark Healey at LBL.
Date of next meeting
Thursday 3 September