Meeting held at Omnibus, 1 Northside, Clapham, SW4 0QW
Alison Macnair (AM) (Chair), David Dandridge (DD), Cllr Bernard Gentry (BG), Cllr Nigel Haselden (NH), Lyndsay Jones (LJ), Diana Linskey (DL), Simon Millson (SM), Alex Nickson (AN), Helen O’Malley (HOM), Bob Robinson (BR for Friends of Clapham Common - FoCC) and Peter Schmitt (PS).
Cllr Linda Bray (LB), Iain Boulton (IB), George Owen (GO), Fred Uhde (FU) and Deryn Watson (DW for Clapham Society) Apologies of absence were received from LB, IB, MH, GO and FU.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
- This is Clapham: It was confirmed This is Clapham is invited to the Trees, Landscape and Ecology Group although a date was still being set. Given the importance of getting the proposals approved in time for Christmas, CCMAC encouraged the Group to meet as soon as possible. Action: DW to set meeting. (Post meeting note: TLE meeting set for 29 September.)
- WC at Clapham Common Tube Station: NH to follow through with both (London Borough of Lambeth (LBL) planning department and the owner of WC restaurant on the redevelopment of the toilet block at Clapham Common Tube Station. Action: NH to chase.
- 84 and 85 Westside: BR to send details of encroachment on the Common by the residents of both 84 and 85 Westside to BG who will in turn take up with the Legal Department at LBL. Action: BR and BG to follow through.
- Southside Paddocks: AM to fix a walkabout with BG and local residents along Southside to assess the extent to which new fencing is required around the ‘paddocks’. Restoration of fencing is budgeted from EIF. Other work may also be needed. Action: AM and BG to follow through.
- Toilet block at The Polygon: AM informed the meeting she had sent a letter to LBL – addressed to Cabinet Member for Communities, Jane Edbrooke, and copied to Planning – supporting the development of the Polygon toilet block into a small cafe (as outlined in the Clapham Common Master Plan).
- PSE Working Group: DD informed the meeting that he had attended Lambeth’s PSE (public sex environment) Working Group. There are still plans for new marked bins in Battersea Woods and for regular community litter-picks to start in the spring.
- Deep-Level Air Raid Shelter: CCMAC comments submitted to the architect on 3 September. Waiting formal response. Plans are likely to be discussed with LBL’s Planning Committee in early October.
- Trees on Rookery Road: tree wells on Rookery have still not been created. Action: AM to chase Dave Paul.
- Earth mounds by the Bandstand: mounds still remain uncovered. Action: AM to chase IB.
Website Presentation
AN took CCMAC through a page-by-page review of the CCMAC website – It was agreed to send a link to CCMAC members for a thorough review. It was agreed to spend £200 per annum to host the website on a server. It was also agreed to add a disclaimer indicating (along the lines of) that reporting an event or issue is not an endorsement. CCMAC congratulated the Web Team for all their hard work developing the site. Action: CCMAC members to feedback.
Management Report
- In the absence of IB, SM presented the report.
- It was confirmed the new Parks Manager – Lara Mifsud-Bonici (LMF) – was now in place. Action: SM and AM to set meeting.
- It was agreed to post an article on ‘pollarding’ on the website explaining why it is necessary to do this to some trees on the Common. Action: SM to progress.
- The criteria for allocation of the Environmental Impact Fund (EIF) was agreed with one minor amendment. Action: SM to circulate final copy.
- AN and SM to discuss maintenance regime budgets with IB and LMF including upkeep of the paddling pool.
EIF Spending Report
AM presented the latest EIF budget with committee up to end January 2016. An updated version to be circulated with corrected figures. It was agreed, in principle, to commit funds to install more litter bins, restore bollards, particularly along Southside, repair pathways and set aside funds for Management Plan support, Masterplan review and the AGM. There would be money left in the EIF pot at the end of 2015/2016 financial year and CCMAC should identify priorities for spending it. AM to circulate revised budget.
Masterplan Review
AM distributed hard copies of the Clapham Common Masterplan. It was agreed there is a need to review and evolve the Masterplan given it was put together over 8 years ago, especially given the changing demographics of the area and changing relationship with LBL. AM and SM to set review date.
SM confirmed a CCMAC paper outing the Committee’s views had been submitted to LBL and Sustrans. Formal consultation to proceed late September or early October. Action: SM to monitor.
The Spinney
NH gave an overview of the purpose and achievement of The Spinney. It was agreed to have the next CCMAC meeting at The Spinney. Action: NH and SM to arrange.
- SouthWest4 Festival: SM – who had attended the onsite inspection with LBL and BR – gave a verbal report on the state of the site following the heavy downpour over the Bank Holiday weekend. LBL agreed to keep the fence up to protect the site from further damage. SM outlined the steps that will be taken to restore the site. It was agreed to add the issue to the agenda of the October CCMAC meeting follow further consultation with LBL. Action: SM to add as an agenda item for the October meeting.
- Winterville: AM outlined the plans to have a ‘Winterville’ on Clapham Common over Christmas and New Year. FoCC informed the Committee it had suggested to LBL to move the Winterville site to the hard-surfaced circus site. It was agreed to find out more details from other MAC/Friends Groups who had experienced previous events by Winterville. Action: SM to add as an agenda item for the October meeting.
Arrangement for Future Meetings
SM informed the meeting he was assessing options for different venues for CCMAC meetings after the arrangements with Omnibus come to an end at the end of December. HOM to send SM some options considered in the past. Action: HOM to send SM details of previously considered venues.
Any Other Business
Further to the written proposal submitted by Bandstand Beds, it was agreed to fund to the tune of £500 Bandstand Beds’ Community Autumn Feast and Open Day set for 24 October on Clapham Common.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 1 October.
Location of the Next Meeting
The Spinney.