Meeting held at Omnibus, 1 Northside, Clapham, SW4 0QW
Alison Macnair (AN) (Chair), Cllr Bernard Gentry (BG), Cllr Nigel Haselden (NH), Marcus Hope (MH), Lyndsay Jones (LJ), Simon Millson (SM), Helen O’Malley (HOM), Alex Nickson (AN), Peter Schmitt (PS) and Fred Uhde (FU).
Iain Boulton (IB), Cllr Linda Bray (LB), David Dandridge (DD), Diana Linskey (DL), George Owen (GO) and Deryn Watson (DW).
‘Bee Conscious’
Sulinder Parylo, ECO Investment and Leisure, outlined an event on the Common planned for Sunday 26 July around the Bandstand at which local businesses and services will raise awareness of the plight of the bee. It was strongly suggested that the event was linked to a tangible and sustainable initiative on the Common such as the planting of bee-friendly flowers. SM to facilitate.
Officers of LBL and representatives from Sustrans, an organisation dedicated to the promotion of cycling and walking, outlined the plans for a Quietway across Clapham Common as part of a much broader scheme linking Croydon and Waterloo. Quietways are supported by the Mayor of London’s office. The Quietway is expected to be in place by end March 2016. Formal consultation is expected in September. SM to liaise with Richard Ambler, LBL Cycle Programme Manager, to organise a follow-up meeting, including a walkabout following the route on the Common.
Apologies of absence were received from IB, LB, DD, DL, GO and DW.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Clapham South Deep-Level Air Raid Shelter: It was agreed PS would draft a short paper to submit as part of TfL’s consultation on the proposal to add a cafe to the shelter.
- Wine & Charcuterie/Toilet Block at Clapham Common tube station: NH informed the meeting he had written to both the Planning Department at LBL and to the Manager of WC to understand why the toilet block had not opened. He has received a reply from LBL Planning Department but not WC. NH to follow through with the full support of the Committee.
CCMAC Planning Meeting
- The outputs of the planning meeting were presented and agreed. PS had some wording issues. It was agreed SM and PS would discuss outside of the meeting.
- It was agreed that the following members would form the core of the following working groups: Governance (DD, AM, SM, HOM and PS) and Communication (DD, AM, SM and AN). SM to coordinate initially.
- IB, AM and SM will update the current version of the Management Plan for input and approval by CCMAC.
Parks Manager
- AM presented the written report submitted by IB.
- A new Parks Manager has been appointed – Lara Mifsud Bonici – starting 1 July. AM to write to her congratulating her on the appointment. It was suggested to reinstate the walkabouts with the Parks Manager.
- IB is appointed Environmental Compliance Officer. He will continue to support CCMAC with the development of the Management Plan.
- Southside parking issue: It was recommended that the local residents form a residents’ asso-
ciation and take up the issue direct with TfL and LBL. - A bat walk is scheduled to take place on 11 September.
- An ‘Underground, Overground’ walk is set for 11 October.
- Captain’s Cook Tree: issue to be passed to Trees and Landscape Group for a recommendation.
- The tarmac around the trees on Rookery Road has still not been removed. AM to follow up with LBL officers.
- HOM asked for the TOR of the Brighter Partnership.
Bandstand Beds
- SM presented the written report. The Committee congratulated BB on the success of the ‘pick-nic’ on 28 June. The next gardening session is planned for 11 July.
- SM informed the meeting that BB was attending the Lambeth Country Show (18-19 July) in partnership with Incredible Edible Lambeth.
- AN informed the Committee launch date was set for 17 July for the crucial parts of the web-
site. AN repeated his request for head-and-shoulder shots of each Committee member. - The Committee agreed to support the application for an EIF grant to pay for the registration of the domain name. AN to confirm if he can get a better deal by buying more years of registration.
Trees and Landscape Group
- MH informed the meeting that following the delays leading up to the finalisation of planting plans, Trees for Cities was now no longer able to make its contribution to the current year’s proposed tree planting but was exploring other sources of finance.
- Play Group: LJ reported on a useful meeting with Derek Hoare of Brockwell Park Community Partners. He had successfully worked with LBJ to get a £450k grant from HLF for play facilities in Brockwell Park.
- LB, AM and up to two local parents were to meet on 6 July to consider what could be done before Lambeth’s appointment of fundraisers who are to work on leveraging the investments set out in the Capital Investment Plan.
- [Post-meeting note: Cllr Marsha de Cordova, Lead Member for Clapham, has been asked to join the meeting.]
Remaining agenda items and any other business
- 85 Westside: all councillors on the Committee were asked to take up the issue with LBL and report back to the Committee steps to be taken to reclaim the part of the Common taken over by the resident of 85 Westside.
- Pioneer Development Fund: Application will not be progressed because Clapham Common is not a pioneer park.
- Omnibus arch: it was agreed the application to CCMAC fell outside the remit of the terms of reference for an EIF grant.
- Film Unit: AM confirmed she had received a standard reply from the Events Team saying that filming on the Common generated income and that the community was consulted.
- CCMAC bank signatories: The Committee approved the resolution to appoint Alison Macnair and Simon Millson as signatories of the CCMAC bank account. With Diana Linskey there are now three signatories. Two signatories are required to issue a cheque.
- FU circulated a response from Wandsworth Borough Council on its approach to the use of common land for events and consent under Article 12 of the 1967 Act.
Date of next meeting
Thursday 6 August. (All meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month.)